Too Many Books Too Little Time

Book Review: The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Book cover of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by admin

Book cover of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer

Feeling caught up in the relentless hum of modern life? You’re not alone. The sensation of being perpetually rushed, an affliction so astutely called out by John Mark Comer as a detrimental force to our well-being, is all too familiar for many of us.

In this blog post, I’m sharing some down-to-earth advice to help you break free from the never-ending hustle and reclaim a sense of balance. Let’s embark on this path together towards serenity!

Key Takeaways

  • John Mark Comer’s book tells us that being too busy and always in a hurry can hurt our hearts and minds. He gives ideas on how to live more slowly and feel better.
  • To connect with God, the author says we should have quiet time, be alone sometimes, pray, read about God, keep life simple, say thank you often, and share our lives with friends who help us grow.
  • The book shares that rest is very important. Being too busy all the time is dangerous for us. It’s also really important to care for our friendships because they make us happy inside.

Who is John Mark Comer?

John Mark Comer is a writer who cares a lot about keeping our hearts and souls healthy even when life gets crazy. He was once super busy all the time, which hurt his mind and friendships.

This guy knows what it feels like to be rushing around too much. He learned a big lesson from someone he looks up to; they told him to get rid of hurry in his life. Now, John writes books to help us do the same so we can feel good on the inside and grow closer to God.

He guides us through ways we can stop being in such a rush all the time. His book “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” gives us steps we can follow so we don’t have to feel like everything’s always go, go, go! John’s ideas come from his own journey and from smart things other people have said about living peacefully and with purpose.

He really wants us all to find calmness and love in our very busy world.

Synopsis of “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”

In “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” John Mark Comer shares his personal struggle with busyness and the impact it had on his emotional and spiritual health. His mentor’s guidance to ruthlessly eliminate hurry leads him to identify the negative effects of constant busyness and provides practical steps to slow down and connect with God.

The author’s struggle with hurry and busyness

John Mark Comer, the author of “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” faced a relentless battle with busyness and hurry. His pursuit of success and effectiveness left him drained emotionally and spiritually.

As I delved into his book, it became clear that Comer’s struggle reflects the chaos in modern life where constant hustle takes a toll on our inner well-being. He candidly shares how this rush impacted his relationships, mental health, and spiritual vitality.

In my personal reflection after reading the book, I resonated deeply with Comer’s experience as I too have grappled with the overwhelming demands of a fast-paced lifestyle. The practical insights provided in the book shed light on identifying the detrimental effects of busyness while offering actionable steps to embrace intentional living and prioritize emotional well-being, ultimately reshaping our approach to life.

His mentor’s guidance to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry”

After recognizing the significant impact of hurry and busyness on his life, John Mark Comer sought guidance from a trusted mentor. This mentor advised him to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry” from his life.

The book delves deeply into this concept, offering practical advice and actionable steps for readers to slow down and connect with God amidst the chaos of modern life. Through personal anecdotes and insightful research, Comer provides a roadmap for eliminating haste and prioritizing emotional well-being while seeking spiritual growth.

The title of the book itself is derived from a quote by Dallas Willard about the detrimental effects of hurry on our lives. Comer’s writing style is praised for its clarity in communicating the damaging impact of busyness on our emotional health and spiritual well-being, making it accessible for readers seeking practical solutions to combat the harmful effects of hurry while pursuing inner success.

Identifying the impact of hurry on our emotional and spiritual health

In “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry,” John Mark Comer vividly illustrates the damaging effects of being constantly busy on our emotional and spiritual well-being. The book outlines how modern chaos can lead to stress, anxiety, and a loss of connection with our inner selves and with God.

Comer discusses the harmful impact that hurry can have on our pursuit of justice and kingdom ushering. He emphasizes the importance of eliminating busyness in order to find emotional health, pursue justice, seek God, and usher in the Kingdom as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Comer’s trusted guidance provides practical steps for time management, slow living, mindfulness, rest, self-care, simplicity, and stress reduction allowing readers to cultivate a healthier life while prioritizing their spiritual growth.

Practical steps to slow down and connect with God

I’ve found practical steps in the book to help slow down and connect with God:

  1. Start each day with a few minutes of silence, allowing time for reflection and listening for God’s presence.
  2. Incorporate regular times of solitude into your schedule, whether it’s a daily walk or a longer retreat when possible.
  3. Engage in spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and reading Scripture to deepen your connection with God.
  4. Simplify your commitments and create margin in your schedule to avoid constant busyness and allow space for spiritual growth.
  5. Cultivate gratitude by keeping a journal or regularly reflecting on the blessings in your life.
  6. Seek out community with like – minded individuals who can support you on your spiritual journey.

Key Takeaways

The importance of rest and solitude, the danger of constantly being connected and busy, and why prioritizing relationships is crucial are all key takeaways from “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry”.

The book offers practical steps to slow down and connect with God in order to stay emotionally healthy and spiritually alive in today’s chaotic world.

The importance of rest and solitude

Rest and solitude are crucial for our emotional wellbeing. John Mark Comer emphasizes the need to slow down and prioritize these in his book. Research has shown that taking time for rest and solitude can significantly reduce stress and improve overall mental health.

By implementing practical steps such as setting aside regular time for quiet reflection, we can create space to connect with God and rejuvenate our minds.

It is important to recognize the impact of constant busyness on our lives. Prioritizing rest and solitude allows us to recharge emotionally, leading to a more fulfilling life. Finding balance in this fast-paced world is essential for our overall wellbeing, including spiritual growth and relationships with others.

The danger of constantly being connected and busy

Constantly being connected and busy poses a real danger to our well-being. It can lead to burnout, anxiety, and even physical health issues. John Mark Comer’s book emphasizes the importance of slowing down and creating space for rest and solitude.

Prioritizing relationships over constant busyness is crucial for our emotional and spiritual health. Seeking God rather than constantly being connected to technology helps us find true fulfillment and peace in the midst of chaos.

Taking practical steps to eliminate hurry from our lives is essential for finding emotional health and spiritual vitality. By prioritizing rest, solitude, and meaningful connections, we can combat the detrimental effects of constant busyness on our well-being while finding a balanced way of living that brings fulfillment.

Why prioritizing relationships is crucial

Prioritizing relationships is crucial for our emotional and spiritual well-being. Studies show that strong connections with others can improve our mental health and overall happiness.

John Mark Comer emphasizes the importance of nurturing deep, meaningful relationships in “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.” Investing time in building and maintaining healthy relationships can help us combat the negative effects of busyness and hurry on our lives.

It’s essential for us to slow down, connect with others, and cultivate supportive bonds to thrive emotionally and spiritually.

Personal Reflections

Reading “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” really struck a chord with my own struggles with busyness and hurry. It made me realize the changes I needed to make in my own life and inspired me to prioritize rest, solitude, and relationships.

How the book resonated with my own struggles with hurry

Reading “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” connected with me deeply. John Mark Comer’s personal story mirrored my own battles with busyness and its impact on my well-being. His insights into the detrimental effects of constant hurry resonated with my experiences, making me realize the urgency to prioritize rest, solitude, and self-care.

The book empowered me to recognize the importance of slowing down, pursuing justice, and nurturing spiritual health in combating the pervasive culture of busyness.

I found myself drawn to Comer’s emphasis on finding a balanced lifestyle that prioritizes emotional and spiritual well-being while navigating the demands of modern life. This resonance has sparked a determination within me to actively make changes in how I approach busyness and prioritize self-care in pursuit of a more fulfilling way of living.

Changes I am making in my own life after reading the book

After reading “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer, I’ve made some changes in my own life. Here are the steps I’m taking to eliminate hurry and find a more balanced and fulfilling way of living:

  1. Setting aside daily time for solitude and reflection to prioritize rest and emotional well-being.
  2. Intentionally disconnecting from technology during specific periods to promote presence and reduce constant busyness.
  3. Actively investing in meaningful relationships by scheduling regular quality time with loved ones.
  4. Incorporating spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and mindfulness into my daily routine for emotional and spiritual nourishment.
  5. Prioritizing self-care through activities that bring joy, relaxation, and rejuvenation to combat the negative effects of constant hurry on my well-being.
  6. Practicing gratitude regularly to cultivate a positive mindset and appreciation for the present moment amidst the chaos of modern life.


In conclusion, “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer delivers a compelling roadmap for finding emotional and spiritual well-being in today’s chaotic world. The book offers practical steps to combat the negative effects of busyness and prioritize rest, solitude, and relationships.

After reading this book, I have been inspired to make positive changes in my own life, slowing down and focusing on what truly matters. Overall, this insightful read resonates with anyone seeking a more balanced and fulfilling way of living amidst the hurried pace of modern life.


1. What is “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” about?

“The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer teaches how to slow down life, take care of yourself, and live in a way that brings good things into the world.

2. Can this book help me with self-care?

Yes, John Mark Comer gives advice on how to make more time for yourself and avoid being too busy so you can be healthy and happy.

3. Is “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” a guide for mentorship?

While it’s not just about mentorship, the book shares wisdom that could help mentors teach others how to live without hurry and stress.

4. Does the author talk about religion in the book?

John Mark Comer talks about Christian ideas like ushering in the Kingdom but focuses on how anyone can benefit from living a calmer life free from rush.