Too Many Books Too Little Time

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller – Book Summary and Review

Book cover of The ONE Thing by Gary Keller


Does it ever feel like your to-do list is endless, and you just can’t seem to make any significant progress? This frustrating scenario could change with the insights from “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller.

In this blog post, we’ll unravel the essence of this groundbreaking book that presents a simple yet powerful framework for achieving extraordinary results in both your personal and professional life.

Read on, as an exciting journey towards success awaits!

Key Takeaways

  • The key takeaway from “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results” is the power of focusing on one thing. By identifying and prioritizing the most important task or goal, individuals can achieve extraordinary results in both personal and professional life.
  • The book debunks six common lies about success, including multitasking, overnight success, doing it all alone, saying yes to everything, balancing all areas of life equally, and equating success with doing everything effortlessly.
  • The focusing question is a powerful tool for achieving extraordinary results. By asking ourselves what’s the one thing we can do right now that would make everything else easier or unnecessary, we gain clarity on our priorities and can focus our energy on what truly matters.

Key Takeaways

The key takeaways from “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results” are understanding the power of focusing on one thing, debunking six lies of success, implementing the focusing question, developing powerful habits and questions, living with purpose and priority, increasing productivity through three commitments, identifying and minimizing productivity thieves.

The ONE thing

In the whirlwind of our busy lives, we often lose sight of what’s truly important. Gary Keller, in his insightful book “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results,” asserts a transformative concept.

He believes there is always one key thing that stands behind every successful individual or organization, and he calls this the ‘ONE thing’. By zoning in on this single critical factor and devoting quality time to it every day, we can achieve extraordinary results.

This concept isn’t just about work; it applies equally to personal life pursuits – be it relationships, health or hobbies. So rather than juggling numerous tasks simultaneously with mediocre outcomes for all, let’s set our sights on the vital ‘ONE Thing’ and drive monumental change in both our personal and professional spheres!

Six lies of success

Success can often be clouded by misconceptions and false beliefs. In “The ONE Thing,” Gary Keller exposes six common lies about success that can hinder our progress. Here are the six lies of success:

  1. Success requires multitasking: Contrary to popular belief, juggling multiple tasks simultaneously does not lead to success. In fact, it hampers productivity and dilutes focus. The key is to identify the one most important task that will make a significant impact and give it your undivided attention.
  2. Success comes overnight: Many believe that success happens overnight or through a stroke of luck. However, Keller emphasizes the importance of consistent effort and dedication over time. True success is the result of daily actions aligned with your goals.
  3. Success can be achieved alone: The myth of the lone genius achieving success by themselves is just that – a myth. Collaboration and support from others play a crucial role in achieving extraordinary results. Building relationships and seeking help when needed is essential for sustained success.
  4. Success equates to doing it all: Society often portrays successful individuals as being able to do everything effortlessly. However, trying to do it all only leads to burnout and subpar results in different areas of life. Instead, focus on your one thing and delegate or eliminate tasks that don’t align with your priorities.
  5. Success means saying “yes” to everything: The fear of missing out often drives people to say “yes” to every opportunity that comes their way, leading to overwhelm and lack of focus on what truly matters. Saying “no” allows you to protect your time and energy for the activities that will bring you closer to achieving your goals.
  6. Success requires equal attention on all areas of life: Balancing work, relationships, health, and personal growth equally is an impossible feat. Prioritize what matters most at any given moment while ensuring balance over the long term.

The focusing question

To achieve extraordinary results in our personal and professional lives, it’s crucial to identify the one thing that will make the biggest impact. This is where “the focusing question” comes into play.

By asking ourselves, “What’s the ONE thing I can do right now that would make everything else easier or unnecessary?”, we gain clarity on our priorities and can focus our energy on what truly matters.

This powerful question helps us cut through distractions and make intentional choices towards achieving our goals. It serves as a guiding principle for decision-making and ensures that we stay on track in pursuing what truly matters to us.

The success habit: powerful questions and answers

One of the key habits for achieving success, according to Gary Keller in “The ONE Thing,” is asking powerful questions and seeking answers. By consistently asking ourselves focused and thought-provoking questions, we can gain valuable insights and clarity on what truly matters.

This habit helps us prioritize our actions and make better decisions that align with our goals. By regularly challenging ourselves with these powerful questions, we can stay on track towards achieving extraordinary results in both our personal and professional lives.

Live with purpose

Living with purpose is a key theme in “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller. The book encourages readers to align their actions and decisions with their overall purpose in life. By having a clear understanding of what truly matters to them, individuals can prioritize the activities that will contribute to their personal growth and fulfillment.

Living with purpose means setting meaningful goals that are aligned with one’s values and passions. This not only provides motivation but also helps individuals stay focused on what truly matters, even when faced with distractions or setbacks.

By incorporating this mindset into daily life, it becomes easier to make choices and take actions that lead to extraordinary results.

Live by priority

Living by priority is a key concept discussed in “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller. The book emphasizes the importance of identifying and focusing on the most important tasks and goals in order to achieve extraordinary results.

By living with purpose and aligning our actions with our priorities, we can make progress towards our ultimate goals and create a meaningful life. This means saying no to distractions, setting boundaries, and making conscious choices about how we spend our time.

By consistently prioritizing what truly matters, we can increase productivity, reduce stress, and ultimately achieve greater success in both our personal and professional lives.

Live for productivity

Living for productivity is a key aspect of achieving extraordinary results. In “The ONE Thing,” Gary Keller emphasizes the importance of focusing on what truly matters and eliminating distractions to maximize productivity.

By adopting productive habits and strategies, individuals can make the most out of their time and efforts. This means identifying their priorities, setting clear goals, and consistently taking action towards them.

By living with purpose and making conscious choices about how they spend their time, individuals can achieve greater results in both their personal and professional lives. The book provides practical advice on how to optimize productivity by minimizing interruptions, delegating tasks, and staying accountable to one’s goals.

Three commitments

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller highlights the importance of making three key commitments to achieve success in both personal and professional life. These commitments are:

  1. Commitment to Focusing on the ONE Thing: According to Keller, success comes from narrowing our focus to the one thing that matters most. By determining our top priority and giving it our undivided attention, we can make significant progress towards our goals.
  2. Commitment to Eliminating Distractions: To achieve extraordinary results, it is crucial to minimize distractions that divert our attention away from the ONE thing. This means identifying and eliminating time-wasting activities, such as excessive social media use or unnecessary meetings, that do not contribute to our ultimate goal.
  3. Commitment to Consistency and Discipline: Keller emphasizes the importance of consistency in taking action towards our ONE thing. This requires developing disciplined habits and routines that support our goals. By committing to consistent effort and avoiding procrastination, we can make steady progress over time.
  • Committing to focusing on the ONE thing
  • Eliminating distractions
  • Practicing consistency and discipline

Four productivity thieves

  1. Multitasking: Trying to juggle multiple tasks at once only leads to decreased productivity and increased stress. Focus on one task at a time to achieve better results.
  2. Procrastination: Putting off important tasks often leads to last-minute rushes and lower quality work. Overcome procrastination by breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps and setting deadlines for each.
  3. Distractions: Constant interruptions from emails, social media, or coworkers can derail your focus and hinder productivity. Minimize distractions by turning off notifications, setting specific times for checking emails or social media, and creating a quiet workspace.
  4. Lack of organization: Being disorganized can waste valuable time searching for documents, files, or information. Take the time to declutter your physical and digital spaces, create efficient systems for storing and retrieving information, and prioritize tasks to stay organized.

Remember that identifying these productivity thieves is the first step in overcoming them. By focusing on eliminating multitasking, combating procrastination, minimizing distractions, and improving organization, you can reclaim your time and achieve extraordinary results in all areas of your life.

Story Shots

– Keep in mind the domino effect: By focusing on our “one thing,” we can create a chain reaction of positive outcomes that lead to extraordinary results.

– Look at the 80/20 principle: Identify the few activities that have a disproportionate impact on your goals and prioritize them over everything else.

– Always go back to the main question: Continuously ask yourself, “What is the one thing I can do right now that will make everything else easier or unnecessary?”

– Choose habits over willpower: Develop productive habits that support your goals, as relying solely on willpower is often unsustainable.

– Use productivity methods to protect your one thing: Implement strategies like time blocking and setting boundaries to ensure you stay focused on what truly matters.

– When you go big, you need to stay small: Break down your big goals into smaller, manageable steps, allowing for consistent progress and momentum.

– Learn to say no: Say no to distractions and nonessential tasks that take away from your main goal.

Keep in mind the domino effect

In the pursuit of achieving extraordinary results, it’s important to keep in mind the domino effect. As Gary Keller explains in “The ONE Thing,” small actions and choices can have a significant impact on our overall success.

Just like how one well-placed domino can knock down a whole row, focusing on the right actions and priorities can lead to a chain reaction of positive outcomes. By choosing our “one thing” wisely and consistently taking action towards it, we create momentum and set ourselves up for greater achievements.

So, whether it’s tackling that challenging task or creating healthy habits, remember that even the smallest step in the right direction can have far-reaching effects on our personal growth and success journey.

Look at the 80/20 principle

The 80/20 principle, also known as the Pareto Principle, is an important concept discussed in “The ONE Thing.” According to this principle, 80% of our results come from only 20% of our efforts.

This means that by identifying and focusing on the most impactful tasks or activities, we can achieve extraordinary results with minimal effort. By understanding that not all actions are created equal and that some have a greater impact than others, we can prioritize our time and energy accordingly.

This principle helps us cut through the clutter of our daily lives and focus on what truly matters, enabling us to make significant progress towards our goals.

Always go back to the main question

One of the key takeaways from “The ONE Thing” is the importance of always going back to the main question. According to Gary Keller, asking yourself “What’s the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” helps you stay focused on what truly matters.

By constantly referring back to this question, you can prioritize your actions and make sure you’re spending your time and energy on the most important tasks. This approach minimizes distractions and allows you to achieve greater results in less time.

So, whenever you find yourself overwhelmed or unsure of where to start, remember to go back to that main question and let it guide your actions towards achieving extraordinary results in both your personal and professional life.

Choose habits over willpower

One key takeaway from “The ONE Thing” is the importance of choosing habits over relying solely on willpower. According to Gary Keller, willpower can be inconsistent and unreliable, whereas developing positive habits can lead to long-term success.

By creating consistent routines and making small changes in our daily lives, we can establish good habits that support our goals and make progress towards achieving them. This approach removes the need for constant self-discipline and willpower, as these habits become automatic behaviors that propel us forward.

So instead of relying solely on willpower to achieve your self-care or personal development goals, focus on building positive habits that align with your desired outcomes.

Use productivity methods to protect your one thing

In order to achieve extraordinary results in your personal and professional life, it’s crucial to protect your “one thing” by implementing effective productivity methods. By doing so, you can minimize distractions and focus on what truly matters.

According to Gary Keller’s book, “The ONE Thing,” this involves prioritizing your tasks and setting boundaries to ensure that you allocate the necessary time and energy towards your main goal.

Whether it’s utilizing time-blocking techniques or employing tools such as Pomodoro timers, finding a productivity method that works for you is essential in staying on track and achieving great results.

When you go big, you need to stay small

To achieve extraordinary results, it’s crucial to remember that when you have a big goal in mind, it’s important to stay focused on the small steps that lead you there. It may seem counterintuitive, but by breaking down your ambitious aspirations into smaller tasks and milestones, you’ll maintain clarity and momentum towards achieving your ultimate objective.

This concept encourages individuals to stay grounded and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the magnitude of their goals. By staying small and taking consistent actions towards your one thing, you’ll make progress steadily and ultimately achieve extraordinary results in both personal and professional endeavors.

Learn to say no

In “The ONE Thing,” Gary Keller emphasizes the importance of learning to say no as a crucial aspect of achieving extraordinary results. Often, we find ourselves overwhelmed with commitments and responsibilities that spread us too thin.

By learning to say no to tasks, projects, and requests that do not align with our goals or priorities, we can focus our time and energy on what truly matters. Saying no allows us to create boundaries, protect our time, and maintain clarity in pursuing our one thing.

It is a powerful tool in minimizing distractions and staying focused on our path towards success.

Choose balance and counterbalance

One important aspect of achieving extraordinary results is the concept of balance and counterbalance. In “The ONE Thing,” Gary Keller highlights the need for individuals to find harmony between different areas of their lives.

This means understanding that success in one area does not have to come at the expense of another.

By choosing balance, individuals can prioritize their well-being and ensure that they are taking care of themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. This allows them to show up fully in all aspects of their life and perform at their best.

But balance doesn’t mean trying to do everything at once. Keller also emphasizes the idea of counterbalance – knowing when it’s necessary to shift focus from one area to another. Sometimes we may need to put more effort into our work or personal life depending on specific circumstances or goals.

Live with purpose

Living with purpose is a key aspect of achieving extraordinary results, as emphasized in Gary Keller’s book, “The ONE Thing.” When we live with purpose, we have a clear understanding of our goals and values.

This enables us to make conscious decisions that align with our vision for our personal and professional lives. By living with purpose, we prioritize what truly matters to us and focus on actions that will lead us closer to our desired outcomes.

It allows us to filter out distractions and stay committed to the tasks and projects that are most important. Living with purpose not only gives meaning and fulfillment to our daily activities but also ensures that every action we take is intentional and contributes towards achieving the extraordinary results we desire.

Stay accountable

Accountability plays a crucial role in achieving extraordinary results, as highlighted in “The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller. By staying accountable, individuals can ensure they are consistently taking action towards their goals and holding themselves responsible for their progress.

Accountability can be fostered by setting clear deadlines and milestones, seeking support from others who share similar objectives, or even finding an accountability partner to regularly check-in with.

This practice not only helps individuals stay on track but also provides motivation and encouragement along the way. Ultimately, staying accountable helps maintain focus and consistency in pursuing one’s “one thing,” leading to greater success and fulfillment in both personal and professional endeavors.

Achieving Extraordinary Results

To achieve extraordinary results, it is crucial to focus on the one thing that matters most and consistently take action towards that goal.

Focus on the ONE thing

To achieve extraordinary results, it is crucial to focus on the ONE thing that truly matters. In his book “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results,” Gary Keller emphasizes the power of narrowing down our efforts and dedicating our time and energy to what truly moves the needle.

By identifying that one key focus and consistently working towards it, we can minimize distractions and achieve greater results in less time. This approach helps us stay accountable and ensures that we make progress towards our goals.

By adopting this mindset, we can unlock our full potential for success in both our personal and professional lives.

Recommended Reading

If you’re looking for a book that can help you achieve extraordinary results and transform your life, “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller is highly recommended.

This book provides valuable insights and practical strategies on how to prioritize your efforts and focus on what truly matters. By understanding the power of this approach, you’ll be able to minimize distractions, streamline your actions, and achieve greater results in less time.

Keller’s powerful framework emphasizes the importance of identifying the one key thing behind success and consistently taking steps towards it. Through real-life examples and actionable advice, he shows readers how to apply this concept in their personal and professional lives.

Whether you’re aiming for career advancement or personal fulfillment, “The ONE Thing” will guide you towards achieving extraordinary results.


In conclusion, “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller provides a powerful framework for achieving extraordinary success in both our personal and professional lives.

By understanding and applying the concept of focusing on one key thing, we can minimize distractions, prioritize effectively, and achieve greater results in less time. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to maximize their productivity and achieve their goals.

So grab a copy, apply the principles, and start on your journey towards extraordinary results today!


1. What is “The ONE Thing” book about?

“The ONE Thing” by Gary Keller is a book that emphasizes the importance of focusing on one thing at a time in order to achieve extraordinary results. It explores the concept of prioritization and how it can help individuals reach their goals more effectively.

2. Is “The ONE Thing” suitable for all types of readers?

Yes, “The ONE Thing” is suitable for readers from various backgrounds and professions. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, executive, student, or someone looking to improve their personal productivity, this book provides valuable insights and strategies that can be applied in different circumstances.

3. Does the book offer practical tips and examples?

Absolutely! The author provides practical tips throughout the book along with real-life examples to illustrate his points. You’ll learn actionable techniques for identifying your own “one thing,” managing your time efficiently, setting goals effectively, and achieving extraordinary results.

4. Is “The ONE Thing” worth reading if I’m already familiar with other productivity books?

Definitely! While there are many productivity books out there, “The ONE Thing” offers a unique perspective on achieving extraordinary results by focusing on one task at a time. It complements other productivity methodologies and provides fresh insights that can enhance your overall productivity journey.